

Saturday, March 5, 2011

~ A Heart Check Origami ~

Ikut arajan seperti yang ditunjukan..
Jangan skip walaupun satu langkah..


Inilah hasilnya :


Origami (pronounced or-i-GA-me) is the Japanese art of paperfolding. "Ori" is the Japanese word for folding and "kami" is the Japanese word for paper. That is how origami got its name. However, origami did not start in Japan. It began in China in the first or second century and then spread to Japan sometime during the sixth century.

At first, there was very little paper available so only the rich could afford to do paperfolding. The Japanese found useful purposes for their origami. For example, the Samurai (sa-MURE-ay) would exchange gifts with a form known as a noshi
(NO-shee). This was a paper folded with a strip of dried fish or meat. It was considered a good luck token. Also, the Shinto Noblemen would celebrate weddings by wrapping glasses of sake or rice wine in butterfly forms that had been folded to represent the bride and groom.

As easier papermaking methods were developed, paper became less expensive. Origami became a popular art for everyone, no matter if they were rich or poor. However, the Japanese people have always been very careful not to waste anything. They have always saved even the tiniest scraps of paper and used them for folding origami models.

For centuries there were no written directions for folding origami models. The directions were taught to each generation and then handed down to the next. This form of art became part of the cultural heritage of the Japanese people. In 1797, How to Fold 1000 Cranes was published. This book contained the first written set of origami instructions which told how to fold a crane. The crane was considered a sacred bird in Japan. It was a Japanese custom that if a person folded 1000 cranes, they would be granted one wish. Origami became a very popular form of art as shown by the well-known Japanese woodblock print that was made in 1819 entitled "A Magician Turns Sheets of Birds". This print shows birds being created from pieces of paper.

In 1845 another book, Window on Midwinter, was published which included a collection of approximately 150 origami models. This book introduced the model of the frog which is a very well known model even today. With the publication of both these books, the folding of origami became recreation in Japan. 

Not only were the Japanese folding paper, but the Moors, who were from Africa, brought paperfolding with them to Spain when they invaded that country in the eighth century. The Moors used paperfolding to create geometric figures because their religion prohibited them from creating animal forms. From Spain it spread to South America. As trade routes were developed, the art of origami was introduced to Europe and later the United States. 

Today, master paperfolders can be found in many places around the world. Akira Yoshizawa of Japan is one of these. He is considered the "father of modern origami" because of his creative paperfolding. He also developed a set of symbols and terms that are used worldwide in the written instructions of origami.

The interest in origami continues to increase today. Just as the ancient Japanese found useful purposes for their origami models, so do we today. Origami will also be a part of our future as we look toward the millennium. The origami crane has become a global peace symbol.






~ Materials: Origamis ~

If you really want to make good origamis I can give a few advices on the type of paper you might want to use:

-Origami Paper, it’s the best you can get, but expensive.

-Gift Paper, it’s really useful, but it cannot be any type of paper, it has to be the one with a brown 

color on the back. Maybe the clerk at the store will think you just went bananas when asking for this,

but it really exists and that’s the one you need for your Origami. Normally the back part of the  

wrapping paper is white.

I usually advice people to use this type of papers because they’re easily to fold and to handle. So

when it comes to the folding part of the origami, the paper won’t have wrinkles all over it.

Once you have the paper part covered, you’d need to cut in these three sizes:

6″ x 6″
7″ x 7″
8″ x 8″
Origami so easy.If you keep practicing and do it.
What's more important are it's very fun and can make you feel happy.
So, what are you waiting for...
Star do it now !!
I'm so excited...



1. Pilihlah kertas yang tepat dan gunting @ potong mengikut saiz dan bentuk yang dikehendaki.

2. Selalu melakukan kerja dengan bersih dan teliti.

3. Setiap lipatan kertas perlu dilakukan dengan elok.That's why you need to work over a hard and smooth superface while folding the paper.

4. Kadang2 anda perlu mengemaskan setiap lipatan dengan mengunakan kuku jari tangan. Jadi, kerja kitaakan menjadi lebih senang.

5. Semakin berhati2 semasa anda melakukan lipatan origami ini semakin baik dan cantik hasil yang akan anda dapat.

6. Anda perlu mengikuti setiap langkah yang diberikan dengan tepat.

7. Anda tidak boleh melangkau langkah membuat origami seperti yang ditunjukan.
That’s why you always need to keep in mind your last and your next step throughout the whole process.

8. Anda perlu mengikuti sebetul2nya arahanyang diberikan.for example, the way the corners should be folded, how to fold the figure, etc.

9. Jika anda tidak pernah melipat atau berlatih membuat origami anda perlu bermula dengan melipat origami yang mudah dahulu @ basic origami.

10. Respecting every single rule and instruction, doing all the foldings in a neat and clean manner, anda pasti akan berpuas hati dengan hasil akan anda peroleh.

 This what I'd got...


Sekarang aku dah gila origami...
Dari tengah ari tadi aku wat sampai ke sakarang...
Iaitu tengah malam...
aku suka bab dia da macam2 corak yang aku suka...

Tak susah nak cari design..
Just Google it...
Taip origami...

Ni antara origami yang aku dah buat..

Korang alh comment ok ke x...

Ni aku yang buat...
Yg luv tie tu adik aku tlg warnakan...

Yang ni adik aku buat...
Aku tolong btlkn skit2...
hehehe(nak nama juga...hek999..)

smua ni aku cuma buat guna kets warna biasa ja...
Aku tak ge cri lg kets corak2..
Kalu aku dh buat yang bercorak...
Aku uploadkn nnti...

Best buat origami...
Tak bosan...
Aku lupa habis keja len nak kena buat...
keja tusyen tak abis lagi buat...
Ni aku nak wat keja tusyen lak...
C U again...